Archive for November, 2023

WeatherBrains 930: Did Someone Say “Wine”?

WeatherBrains Episode 930 is now online (November 13th, 2023). If you are crazy about weather, this is THE podcast for you!

Tonight we will be discussing the Weather Pods Disaster Relief Telethon being held this Saturday, November 18th benefitting the American Red Cross.

Tonight’s Guest WeatherBrain is a former broadcast meteorologist for Birmingham’s CBS 42 and now works in higher education at Auburn University.  It’s an honor to have you on the show tonight.  Ashley Gann, welcome to WeatherBrains.

Ashley Gann | CBS 42

Also stopping by as Guest Panelist is the proprietor of the Chaser Chat weather podcast.  Gabe Harber, welcome to the show.

Our email officer Jen is continuing to handle the incoming messages from our listeners. Reach us here:

  • Weather Pods Disaster Relief Telethon (07:00)
  • March 2019 tornado outbreak analysis (45:00)
  • Looking back at April 27, 2011 (49:00)
  • International Association of Emergency Managers event discussion (01:18:30)
  • The Astronomy Outlook with Tony Rice (01:35:00)
  • This Week in Tornado History With Jen (01:37:02)
  • National Weather Round-Up (01:42:45)
  • E-Mail Segment (01:40:00)
  • and more!

Web Sites from Episode 930:

Weather Pods Disaster Relief Telethon

Chaser Chat Podcast on X

Ashley Gann on X

Picks of the Week:

Ashley Gann – 1983 Iron Bowl receives over 9 inches of rain

James Aydelott – Michael Lowry on X: Total Time in NHC Forecast Cones in 2023

Jen Narramore – Iowa Helicopter survey of Stratford Iowa tornado

Rick Smith – Out

Neil Jacobs – Full Committee Markup of H.R. 6093

Troy Kimmel – Foghorn

Kim Klockow-McClain – NOAA forecasts quicker, stronger peak of solar activity

Bill Murray – Weather Channel Morning Brief Newsletter

James Spann – Professor Aims to Improve Emergency Alerts for Deaf Community

The WeatherBrains crew includes your host, James Spann, plus other notable geeks like Troy Kimmel, Bill Murray, Rick Smith, James Aydelott, Jen Narramore, Dr. Neil Jacobs, and Dr. Kim Klockow-McClain. They bring together a wealth of weather knowledge and experience for another fascinating podcast about weather.



WeatherBrains 929: Krazy With A Capital K

WeatherBrains Episode 929 is now online (November 6th, 2023). If you are crazy about weather, this is THE podcast for you!

Tonight’s Guest WeatherBrain needs no introduction.  He grew up in Central Florida.  He’s a TV meteorologist and hurricane specialist.  He was previously the chief meteorologist for WTVJ-TV in Miami where he became well-known for his excellent coverage of 1992’s Hurricane Andrew, and subequently became Director of Meteorology for WFOR-TV, and a hurricane analyst for CBS News in New York City.  He currently works for Fox Weather in NYC.  Bryan Norcross, it’s an honor to have you on the show tonight.

Bryan Norcross | FOX Weather

Our email officer Jen is continuing to handle the incoming messages from our listeners. Reach us here:

  • Looking back at 1969’s Hurricane Camille (09:00)
  • Looking back at 1965’s Hurricane Betsy (26:30)
  • Hurricane Otis vs Andrew (30:00)
  • Hurricane behavior comparisons between the 70s/80s and today (53:00)
  • Lack of media coverage with Otis (01:12:00)
  • Future of Saffir-Simpson Scale (01:26:30)
  • The Astronomy Outlook with Tony Rice (01:34:25)
  • This Week in Tornado History With Jen (01:32:50)
  • National Weather Round-Up (01:
  • E-Mail Segment (01:
  • and more!

Web Sites from Episode 929:

Bryan Norcross – Hurricane Specialist and Director of Meteorology

Bryan Norcross on X

“My Hurricane Andrew Story” by Bryan Norcross

Picks of the Week:

Bryan Norcross – Lightning Bolt hits water tower in Homestead, FL week after Hurricane Andrew

James Aydelott – Alex Spahn on X: Ada, OK supercell photo

Jen Narramore – Jersey tornado believed to be most powerful recorded in British Isles for nearly 70 years

Rick Smith – Angel Enrique on X: Montana aurora photo

Neil Jacobs – Out

Troy Kimmel – IAEM Annual Conference 2023

Kim Klockow-McClain – Out

Bill Murray – Foghorn

James Spann – Professor Aims to Improve Emergency Alerts for Deaf Community

The WeatherBrains crew includes your host, James Spann, plus other notable geeks like Troy Kimmel, Bill Murray, Rick Smith, James Aydelott, Jen Narramore, Dr. Neil Jacobs, and Dr. Kim Klockow-McClain. They bring together a wealth of weather knowledge and experience for another fascinating podcast about weather.