Archive for October 1st, 2019

WeatherBrains 715: Praying To The HRRR Gods

WeatherBrains Episode 715 is now online (September 30, 2019). If you are crazy about weather, this is THE netcast audio program for you!

Tonight’s Guest WeatherBrain is a prior show veteran who plays an important role wearing many hats as Warning Coordination Meteorologist at the Storm Prediction Center in Norman, OK.  He earned his Bachelor of Science in math and physics from the University of Arkansas in 2005, followed by Masters and Doctoral work in meteorology at the University of Oklahoma.  Dr. Patrick Marsh, welcome back to WeatherBrains!

Image of Patrick Marsh, Warning Coordination Meterorologist

Other discussions in this weekly podcast include topics like:

  • How do we better the warning process?
  • Record hot temperatures
  • FACETs (Forecasting a Continuum of Environmental Threats)
  • Relationship among the various NWS offices and SPC
  • Aubrey on Dancing with the Stars
  • Astronomy Report with Tony Rice
  • National Weather Round-Up
  • and more!

Our email bag officer is continuing to handle the incoming messages from our listeners.

Web Sites from Episode 715:

Patrick Marsh Twitter

Picks of the Week:

Nate Johnson – Out

Patrick Marsh – NWS Podunk Twitter

Troy Kimmel –  Lightning Viewer

Kim Klockow-McClain –  Foghorn

Bill Murray –  Out

Dr. John Scala – Out

Kevin Selle – The Photographer’s Ephemeris

James Spann – Weather Radars Reveal an 80 Percent Chance of … Dragonflies?

Aubrey Urbanowicz – Fall Foliage Prediction Map

The WeatherBrains crew includes your host, James Spann, plus other notable geeks like Troy Kimmel, Dr. John Scala, Bill Murray, Aubrey Urbanowicz, Kevin Selle and Kim Klockow-McClain. They bring together a wealth of weather knowledge and experience for another fascinating netcast about weather. graphic